Saturday, July 25, 2009

Omaha Vacation 2009/Camp Coholo

This is what you get for 50 bucks at fun plex, but Emma and Gavin were all smiles.

We are home. We are exhausted, but we are home. Why is it that you always need "a vacation from your vacation"? We had a great time in Omaha. The only bad thing is that we NEVER have enough time, we never get to see everyone we want to see, and after we leave the girls are always ready to pack up our house and move to Omaha. Isn't that funny?
I, of course, did not take NEAR enough photos. Story of my l
ife. I think I need to make my camera an extension of myself... but I never do and then I am sorry. I will work on that. I do have some good photos to share.
Some things that we did when we were in Omaha...

Abby and Maron Hogan. She loved that little girl!!

These kids had the golf pros going down the slide with all of their clothes on!

Abby went to Camp Coholo. THE whole reason we went. Camp Coholo if you are not familiar is a camp for kids with cancer and blood disorders. Abby had a fabulous time, as always, loved seeing all of her friends, getting to spend tons of time with Hannah, and Molly, Sydnee and Emma and even getting a poem and sharing a dance with a BOY. She was asked by 2 boys, but only danced with one. She thinks that next year she will be able to branch out more... This was Abby's last year at "littles camp". Next year she will move on to "bigs camp". She is ready. Abby was also on the news for Coholo in Omaha and we had some friends in Kansas see the story on headline news. I will post a link for you.
Emma loved her Mommy and me time. WE left camp and saw this funny little dog ridding on the back of a motorcycle. We thought that was a good omen for the good time we were going to have. We ran home and got our bikes and headed over to Knudsen's. We were going for a ride around Zyrinski's lake ( I know I just murdered that spelling) We decided to ride to zyrinski's, from 168th and Blondo. It was a trip. With a winey 13 year old. We went over 20 miles. When we got back, Emma and I went and got Little King, and took MAJOR NAPS! After we woke up, we ate like queens at Wheatfields and went to see the new Harry Potter. Day 2 we spent the rainy day with Darby, Gavin and Blake. We even got to have lunch with Nick! Yea! It was great to see them. We took the "bigs" to fun plex and they made some FABULOUS choices with their winnings! I threatened Emma with her life is she brought those home! Emma and Gavin always pick up right where they left off for the most part. Plans were made for them to hopefully detastle corn together next summer. Nick, Darby and I thought it would be a great idea for them! It sure was great to seen the Brion's and Knudsen's and for that alone I could move to Omaha... If only there was a job...
We got home yesterday about 4:30, unloaded, unpacked and the laundry started. Now we need to put the house back together. That is always fun! We are going to finish up our cleaning up and preparing for the week. We have lots to do this week! I will post about that later!
Enjoy the photos!


Jackie said...

Good post. I loved seeing the pictures. Have a good Sunday.

Shannon said...

I love the new blog...I was a follower from CB...I live in Lincoln and guess what never watch channel 7 news, but for some reason the tv was on 7 when I turned it on right when Abby was starting her interview!!! WTG

Anonymous said...

Hi Abby and Emma,

I hope you are feeling well and are rested. Awesome job on TV. When does school start? OPS starts on the 17th. Hopefully I can see you next time you are in Omaha. I know you have a lot of places to go and people to see in such a short amount of time.