Sunday, August 2, 2009

That is a lot of fish, and we have a lot of it in our freezer! Want to come for dinner?
A real man can catch a salmon on the boobie prize barbie fishing pole. Ha ha!
Ok, that fish is just WRONG! GROSS! But supposedly good eating. Have that in the freezer too.

It has been a busy week for the Bridgewater's. It is always that way when you are getting back to the real world after vacation... I always feel like I need a vacation from my vacation. Is there anyone else out there who feels the same way?
I am posting a few pictures from the FABULOUS fishing trip to Alaska Chris went on! He had a great time and filled our freezer with yummy fish. I am looking for Halibut recipes, so if you have any, please send them my way!
We are enjoying the last week of summer. The girls are back to school this week. Abby actually will start this Friday, and Emma next Monday! It is early, but they are READY! I don't know if I am. I like sleeping in a little longer in the morning! Abby is VERY excited about her new school, I we go to meet her new teacher on Monday. Emma found out she is on the OWL team, and has the most wonderful science teacher! The girls backpacks are all filled with their fresh new notebooks, markers and pens. They are prepared!
Hope you are having a GREAT week!

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