Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Sigh... It was a really good day... Busy, but good. Why then do I feel so exhausted and overwhelmed. I think it is because school is going to start. That means crazy schedules, more money going out and lots of people going lots of different ways. It is just kind of nuts.
Abby went to the Oncologist today and got the clean bill of health! Yipee! I feel less and less nervous with every visit, and it is nice to see how Abby is one of the Success stories. It is hard to see the kids there who are so SICK. I want to hug their moms and say "I remember... I never thought we would be here... She would be here!" It is hard.
School starts FRIDAY for Abby... Stay tuned for updates on Thursday from meet the teacher.
Emma starts school on Monday! She CAN'T wait! She is ready to jump right back into school! Good for her!

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