Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Doctor... A Friend

I try not to fill this blog with tales of Abby's battle with cancer. You can see her caringbridge page for that. But there were may special people that assisted us along our journey and one of them lost their own battle yesterday. Ginger Sensman was the girl's pediatrician from the time she arrived in Salina. The girls were little. Ginger and I became friends. I was a labor and delivery nurse, we knew many of the same people and we had similar personalities. My girls loved her and I trusted her.
When Abby first got sick, I took her to the emergency room. When we were dismissed, I left the emergency room and took her to Ginger's house. I did not do that sort of thing, even when my doctors are my friends, I go through proper channels, but something was wrong. Ginger was out of town on vacation, and I did not know it. I did however know that if I showed up at her house with my sick kid on a Saturday afternoon, it would have been ok.
When she got back into town, I was never so relieved to see anyone. She watched over Abby, and finally said, 'I don't know what is wrong with her'. I respected that. I respected that she worked with my pediatrician friend in Omaha to transfer her care.
Ginger called me in the hospital once Abby was diagnosed. She always made it easy to be home in Salina, and coordinated our care so easily.
We were devastated when Ginger was diagnosed with breast cancer. Abby sent her chemo fairies she made especially for her, and Ginger insisted on paying for them.... That is who she was.
I will remember her laugher, her bravery, her hugs, her smile, and her friendship. I will remember that she was a fabulous doctor and that she truly cared! God Speed, Ginger!!!


Jackie said...

Beautifully said, Kristi.

Nancy said...

What a sweet tribute to a wonderful sounding lady.